Why Vacations are Overrated

“Obviously, I have ADHD, so stability is a valuable commodity in my life.”

vacations might be overrated, but mikey still has friends to take pictures with.

Adapted from an TikTok video from August

Vacations are Overrated

Vacations are overrated. Flying home from my last vacation,  words cannot describe how excited I am about finally having my own bed, my own sheets, and my own dog. I’ve been starving to just peace and solace in regard to my inner life.

A lot of people talk about how vacations really help them reset in terms of their perspectives and relax. For me, however, I find the confines of a home to be relaxing and invigorating. Here are some of my top reasoning for as such.

Impact and Stability

There’s impact stability. As much as I like disruptive innovation, predictability is what allows the world to run.

Trust me, I get it.

Stability is not all good. The unchanging repetition also enables rigidity and potentially upholds oppression. An unreasonable amount of stability prevents change and growth. 

However, as Americans, we overestimate the value of change and innovation and undervalue execution and order. 

Order creates efficiency. In some sense, order and stability allow us to create shortcuts.

In my ordinary life, I don’t have to waste valuable cognitive bandwidth to plan everything out. I can focus better. Therefore, vacations are overrated. 

The Brain Has a Limited Capacity

Questions such as “what should I eats,” “how should I spend the next 2 hours,” and “how to get so-and-so from one room to another” are much easier when you are at home or the office. On a vacation, these questions become non-trivial and require more planning.Obviously, I have ADHD, so stability is a valuable commodity in my life.

At home, my daily habits run at a really high efficiency so my cognitive space seems to expand. I think it’s important to note that the are those who schedule their life so tightly, they don’t seem to have much cognitive space despite the structure they impose upon themselves.

I like been able to know what I need to do later that day and at the same time I give myself the flexibility to switch the orders of things around.

Long Term Impact Requires People to Stay

Vacations are overrated because staying home is great. 

There is also something to be said abort being in a community in which can stand and lift where are you at, while I have a local geographical frame of mind when writing about this, it could also occur in digital spaces, my point is that when there is a lot of movement m your own life, there’s going to be difficulty in participating in your community as you are not reliable m your own sphere.

Therefore, here’s my take on a really important realization that the Social internet should realize about wanderlust and gorgeous vacations with edited photos with people eating exotic food and petting endangered animal birds.

These are wonderful breaks to your traditional flow and impact to the world my critique on that obsessing is that you just simply can’t have the impact of the compound interest on developing community knowledge, friendship, skills, competencies. As unsexy as these things may sound, they just can’t Te built trough excursions from the norm.

Here comes the clincher, I’m not advocating for people to just go back and do their day-to-day things, I am asking people to think more intentionally about their role in building the that they hopefully should care about.

It you really need a vacation n only can look forward to vacation to get rid of these thoughts of oblivion and pointlessness, I would go ahead and point out that the problem wilt not go away. And then way our economy works, you’ll just have to plan another vacating I guess. Case unsolved.

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